commit cfc51c853ed28e07023ef8789b2ce097c744b92e Author: hans-jurgen Date: Sun Jun 4 13:50:28 2023 +0200 2023-06-04 Dieverse Änderungen (Boris) diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..89cc49c --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +.pio +.vscode/.browse.c_cpp.db* +.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json +.vscode/launch.json +.vscode/ipch diff --git a/.vscode/extensions.json b/.vscode/extensions.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..080e70d --- /dev/null +++ b/.vscode/extensions.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + // See + // for the documentation about the extensions.json format + "recommendations": [ + "platformio.platformio-ide" + ], + "unwantedRecommendations": [ + "ms-vscode.cpptools-extension-pack" + ] +} diff --git a/.vscode/settings.json b/.vscode/settings.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ec21e3f --- /dev/null +++ b/.vscode/settings.json @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +{ + "C_Cpp.errorSquiggles": "Disabled", + "cmake.configureOnOpen": true +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/include/README b/include/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..45496b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/README @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ + +This directory is intended for project header files. + +A header file is a file containing C declarations and macro definitions +to be shared between several project source files. You request the use of a +header file in your project source file (C, C++, etc) located in `src` folder +by including it, with the C preprocessing directive `#include'. + +```src/main.c + +#include "header.h" + +int main (void) +{ + ... +} +``` + +Including a header file produces the same results as copying the header file +into each source file that needs it. Such copying would be time-consuming +and error-prone. With a header file, the related declarations appear +in only one place. If they need to be changed, they can be changed in one +place, and programs that include the header file will automatically use the +new version when next recompiled. The header file eliminates the labor of +finding and changing all the copies as well as the risk that a failure to +find one copy will result in inconsistencies within a program. + +In C, the usual convention is to give header files names that end with `.h'. +It is most portable to use only letters, digits, dashes, and underscores in +header file names, and at most one dot. + +Read more about using header files in official GCC documentation: + +* Include Syntax +* Include Operation +* Once-Only Headers +* Computed Includes + + diff --git a/lib/README b/lib/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c9c29c --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/README @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ + +This directory is intended for project specific (private) libraries. +PlatformIO will compile them to static libraries and link into executable file. + +The source code of each library should be placed in a an own separate directory +("lib/your_library_name/[here are source files]"). + +For example, see a structure of the following two libraries `Foo` and `Bar`: + +|--lib +| | +| |--Bar +| | |--docs +| | |--examples +| | |--src +| | |- Bar.c +| | |- Bar.h +| | |- library.json (optional, custom build options, etc) +| | +| |--Foo +| | |- Foo.c +| | |- Foo.h +| | +| |- README --> THIS FILE +| +|- platformio.ini +|--src + |- main.c + +and a contents of `src/main.c`: +``` +#include +#include + +int main (void) +{ + ... +} + +``` + +PlatformIO Library Dependency Finder will find automatically dependent +libraries scanning project source files. + +More information about PlatformIO Library Dependency Finder +- diff --git a/platformio.ini b/platformio.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..485be6c --- /dev/null +++ b/platformio.ini @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +; PlatformIO Project Configuration File +; +; Build options: build flags, source filter +; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags +; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages +; Advanced options: extra scripting +; +; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples +; + +[env] +platform = espressif32 +board = nodemcu-32s +framework = arduino +monitor_speed = 115200 +monitor_port = COM4 +monitor_filters = time +upload_port = COM4 +lib_deps = + knolleary/PubSubClient @ 2.8 + adafruit/Adafruit GFX Library @ 1.11.3 + 2dom/PxMatrix LED MATRIX library @ 1.8.2 + adafruit/Adafruit BusIO @ 1.7.2 + +build_flags = + -DSCAN=32 + +[env:debug] ; Entwicklungssystem +build_flags = ${env.build_flags} + -DDEBUG=1 + -DGRENZWERT=3.80 + -DINNEN=\"hjk/devices/WETTERSTATION/telemetry/temperature_BMP_280\" + -DCO2=\"hjk/devices/WETTERSTATION/telemetry/co2\" + -DAKKU=\"hjk/devices/WETTERSTATION/telemetry/battery\" + -DWETTER=\"hjk/devices/WETTERSTATION/telemetry/temperature_Htu_21\" + -DLUFTDRUCK=\"hjk/devices/WETTERSTATION/telemetry/pressure\" + -DFEUCHTIGKEIT=\"hjk/devices/WETTERSTATION/telemetry/humity\" + -DHELLIGKEIT=\"hjk/devices/WETTERSTATION/telemetry/Lux\" + +[env:boris] +build_flags = ${env.build_flags} + -DDEBUG=1 + -DGRENZWERT=2.80 + -DINNEN=\"hjk/devices/WETTERSTATIONBORIS/telemetry/temperature_BMP_280\" + -DCO2=\"hjk/devices/WETTERSTATIONBORIS/telemetry/co2\" + -DAKKU=\"hjk/devices/WETTERSTATIONBORIS/telemetry/battery\" + -DWETTER=\"hjk/devices/WETTERSTATIONBORIS/telemetry/temperature_Htu_21\" + -DLUFTDRUCK=\"hjk/devices/WETTERSTATIONBORIS/telemetry/pressure\" + -DFEUCHTIGKEIT=\"hjk/devices/WETTERSTATIONBORIS/telemetry/humity\" + -DHELLIGKEIT=\"hjk/devices/WETTERSTATIONBORIS/telemetry/Lux\" diff --git a/src/main.cpp b/src/main.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..54dd70c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,796 @@ +#include + +// This is how many color levels the display shows - the more the slower the update +//#define PxMATRIX_COLOR_DEPTH 4 + +// Defines the speed of the SPI bus (reducing this may help if you experience noisy images) +//#define PxMATRIX_SPI_FREQUENCY 20000000 + +// Creates a second buffer for backround drawing (doubles the required RAM) +//#define PxMATRIX_double_buffer true + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include + +// Pins for LED MATRIX +#ifdef ESP32 + +#define P_LAT 22 +#define P_A 19 +#define P_B 23 +#define P_C 18 +#define P_D 5 +#define P_E 15 +#define P_OE 16 +hw_timer_t * timer = NULL; +portMUX_TYPE timerMux = portMUX_INITIALIZER_UNLOCKED; + +#endif + +#ifdef ESP8266 + +#include +Ticker display_ticker; +#define P_LAT 16 +#define P_A 5 +#define P_B 4 +#define P_C 15 +#define P_D 12 +#define P_E 0 +#define P_OE 2 + +#endif + +#define MaxErrCount 30 +const unsigned long stoerung = 15 * 60000000UL; // Minuten * Mikrosekunden für Sleep Mode +unsigned long startTime; +unsigned long endTime; +#include +#include +#include +#define mqtt_port 61883 +WiFiClient espClient; +PubSubClient client(espClient); + +// co2 Werte +#define CO2_WARN_1 650 +#define CO2_WARN_2 950 +#define CO2_WARN_3 1250 +#define CO2_WARN_4 1500 +#define CO2_CRITICAL_PPM 1850 + +#define matrix_width 64 +#define matrix_height 64 + +// This defines the 'on' time of the display is us. The larger this number, +// the brighter the display. If too large the ESP will crash +uint8_t display_draw_time=10; //30-70 is usually fine + +//PxMATRIX display(32,16,P_LAT, P_OE,P_A,P_B,P_C); +//PxMATRIX display(64,32,P_LAT, P_OE,P_A,P_B,P_C,P_D); +PxMATRIX display(64,64,P_LAT, P_OE,P_A,P_B,P_C,P_D,P_E); + +// Some standard colors +uint16_t myRED = display.color565(255, 0, 0); +uint16_t myGREEN = display.color565(0, 255, 0); +uint16_t myBLUE = display.color565(0, 0, 255); +uint16_t myWHITE = display.color565(255, 255, 255); +uint16_t myYELLOW = display.color565(255, 255, 0); +uint16_t myCYAN = display.color565(0, 255, 255); +uint16_t myMAGENTA = display.color565(255, 0, 255); +uint16_t myBLACK = display.color565(0, 0, 0); +uint16_t myDATUM = display.color565(64, 64, 64); +uint16_t myTEMP = display.color565(255, 255, 255); +uint16_t myCo = display.color565(0, 64, 0); + +uint16_t myTEST = display.color565(30, 30, 0); + +uint16_t myCOLORS[8]={myRED,myGREEN,myBLUE,myWHITE,myYELLOW,myCYAN,myMAGENTA,myBLACK}; + +// Wifi +char ssid[] = "St.-Peters-Gasse"; // your network SSID (name) +char pass[] = "1952994784599317"; // your network password +IPAddress ip( 192, 168, 127, 247); +IPAddress gateway( 192, 168, 127, 1 ); +IPAddress subnet( 255, 255, 255, 0 ); +IPAddress dns(192, 168, 127, 1); // DNS-Server +String hostname = "GROSSZEICHENDISPLAY2"; +int status = WL_IDLE_STATUS; +const char* NTP_SERVER = ""; +const char* TZ_INFO = "CET-1CEST-2,M3.5.0/02:00:00,M10.5.0/03:00:00"; // enter your time zone ( + +tm timeinfo; +time_t now; +long unsigned lastNTPtime; +unsigned long lastEntryTime; + +const int TimeY = 20; +const int TimeX = 1; + +const int WetterY = 32; +const int WetterX = 18; + +const int CoY = 43; + + + +int Co2 = 0.00; +float Covid19 = 0.00; +float Aussentemp = -99.90; +int Pressure = 0; +float FlurTemp = -99.90; +float Luftfeuchtigkeit = 0.00; +float Akku = -99.00; +int Helligkeit = 255; + + +const char* const PROGMEM DAY_NAMES[] = {"Sonntag", "Montag", "Dienstag", "Mittwoch", "Donnerstag", "Freitag", "Samstag", "Sonntag"}; +const char* const PROGMEM DAY_SHORT[] = {"So", "Mo", "Di", "Mi", "Do", "Fr", "Sa", "So"}; + +//MQTT +//define mqtt_port 1883 +const char* mqtt_server = ""; +char topic_0[50]; +char msg[20]; +char clientName[30]; + +const char* topic_Innen = INNEN; +const char* topic_Akku = AKKU; +const char* topic_Co2 = CO2; +const char* topic_Wetter = WETTER; +const char* topic_Pressure = LUFTDRUCK; +const char* topic_Luftfeuchtigkeit = FEUCHTIGKEIT; +const char* topic_Helligkeit = HELLIGKEIT; + + +void callback(char* topic1, byte* payload, unsigned int length); +void scroll_text(uint8_t ypos, unsigned long scroll_delay, String text, uint8_t colorR, uint8_t colorG, uint8_t colorB, boolean blink); +void scroll_text2(uint8_t ypos, unsigned long scroll_delay, String text, uint8_t colorR, uint8_t colorG, uint8_t colorB, boolean blink); +void scroll_Grad(uint8_t ypos, unsigned long scroll_delay, String text, uint8_t colorR, uint8_t colorG, uint8_t colorB, boolean blink); +bool getNTPtime(int sec); +void showTime(tm localTime); +static uint32_t lastTime = 0; // millis() memory +static void setup_wifi(); + +#ifdef ESP8266 +// ISR for display refresh +void display_updater() +{ + display.display(display_draw_time); +} +#endif + +#ifdef ESP32 +void IRAM_ATTR display_updater(){ + // Increment the counter and set the time of ISR + portENTER_CRITICAL_ISR(&timerMux); + display.display(display_draw_time); + portEXIT_CRITICAL_ISR(&timerMux); +} +#endif + +void print_wifi_status() { + // SSID des WiFi Netzwerkes ausgeben: + Serial.print("SSID: "); + Serial.println(WiFi.SSID()); + // WiFi IP Adresse des ESP32 ausgeben: + IPAddress ip = WiFi.localIP(); + Serial.print("IP Address: "); + Serial.println(ip); + // WiFi Signalstärke ausgeben: + long rssi = WiFi.RSSI(); + Serial.print("signal strength (RSSI):"); + Serial.print(rssi); + Serial.println(" dBm"); + display.clearDisplay(); + scroll_text(64-16,40,"IP Adress: " + WiFi.localIP().toString()+ " signal strength (RSSI): " + String(rssi, DEC) + " dBm", 96,96,0, false); +} + +void display_update_enable(bool is_enable) +{ + +#ifdef ESP8266 + if (is_enable) + display_ticker.attach(0.004, display_updater); + else + display_ticker.detach(); +#endif + +#ifdef ESP32 + if (is_enable) + { + timer = timerBegin(0, 80, true); + timerAttachInterrupt(timer, &display_updater, true); + timerAlarmWrite(timer, 4000, true); + timerAlarmEnable(timer); + } + else + { + timerDetachInterrupt(timer); + timerAlarmDisable(timer); + } +#endif +} + +String TimeOld = ""; +int MinuteOld = 99; +static bool blinkSek = false; // seconds passing flasher + +void callback(char* topic1, byte* payload, unsigned int length) { + // float wert; + // int st; // Hilfsvariable zum ansteuern der Page zum einstellen der Solltemperatur + Serial.print("Message arrived ["); + Serial.print(topic1); + Serial.print("] "); + for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { + msg[i] = (char)payload[i]; + } + msg[length] = '\0'; + //Serial.println(msg); + + + // CO2 Wert vom Sensor + if(strcmp(topic1, topic_Co2)== 0){ + Serial.print("Co2 Sensor: "); + Serial.print(msg); + Serial.println(); + Co2 = atoi(msg); + } + + // Covid19 Wert + /* if(strcmp(topic1, topic_Covid)== 0){ + Serial.print("Covid: "); + Serial.print(msg); + Serial.println(); + Covid19 = atof(msg); + } */ + + // Wetter Wert + if(strcmp(topic1, topic_Wetter)== 0){ + Serial.print("Aussentemperatur: "); + Serial.print(msg); + Serial.println(" °C"); + Aussentemp = atof(msg); + } + if(strcmp(topic1, topic_Pressure)== 0){ + Serial.print("Luftdruck: "); + Serial.print(msg); + Serial.println(" hPa"); + Pressure = atoi(msg); + } + if(strcmp(topic1, topic_Innen)== 0){ + Serial.print("Temperatur Innen: "); + Serial.print(msg); + Serial.println(" °C"); + FlurTemp = atof(msg); + } + if(strcmp(topic1, topic_Luftfeuchtigkeit)== 0){ + Serial.print("Luftfeuchtigkeit: "); + Serial.print(msg); + Serial.println(" %"); + Luftfeuchtigkeit = atof(msg); + } + if(strcmp(topic1, topic_Akku)== 0){ + Serial.print("Wetterstation Akku: "); + Serial.print(msg); + Serial.println(" V"); + Akku = atof(msg); + } + if(strcmp(topic1, topic_Helligkeit)== 0){ + Serial.print("Helligkeit: "); + Serial.print(msg); + Serial.println(" Lux"); + Helligkeit = atoi(msg); + if (Helligkeit > 255) Helligkeit = 255; + if (Helligkeit < 0) Helligkeit = 0; + display.setBrightness(Helligkeit); + } +} +void reconnect() { + sprintf(clientName, "%s%s", "Uhr", "_Zentrale3" ); + // Loop until we're reconnected + while (!client.connected()) { + Serial.print("Attempting MQTT connection..."); + if (client.connect(clientName)) { + /* MQTTStatus.setPic(3); */ + Serial.println("connected"); + client.subscribe(topic_Co2); + //client.subscribe(topic_Covid);Ja + client.subscribe(topic_Wetter); + client.subscribe(topic_Pressure); + client.subscribe(topic_Innen); + client.subscribe(topic_Luftfeuchtigkeit); + client.subscribe(topic_Akku); + client.subscribe(topic_Helligkeit); + } else { + Serial.print("failed, rc="); + Serial.print(client.state()); + Serial.println(" try again in 5 seconds"); + // Wait 5 seconds before retrying + delay(5000); + } + } +} + +void ZeigeZeit(tm localTime, int xPos = 2, int yPos = 8) +{ + if (xPos < 4) xPos = 4; + if (yPos < 4) yPos = 4; + //Serial.print(timeClient.getFormattedTime()); Serial.println(); + char szTime[4]; + sprintf(szTime, "%02d", localTime.tm_hour); + display.setCursor(xPos-1, yPos); + display.setFont(&FreeMonoBold12pt7b); + display.setTextColor(myMAGENTA); + display.fillRect(xPos, yPos - 8, 27, 15, myBLACK); + display.print(szTime); + display.setFont(); + // Doppelpunkt zeichnen + display.fillRect(xPos + 27, yPos -8, 2, 15, myBLACK); + if (blinkSek == true) { + display.fillRect(xPos + 27, yPos - 3, 2, 2, myMAGENTA); + display.fillRect(xPos + 27, yPos + 1, 2, 2, myMAGENTA); + } + /* display.fillRect(xPos + 27, yPos - 3, 2, 2, myMAGENTA); + display.fillRect(xPos + 27, yPos + 1, 2, 2, myMAGENTA); */ + sprintf(szTime, "%02d", localTime.tm_min); + display.setCursor(xPos + 29, yPos); + display.setFont(&FreeMonoBold12pt7b); + display.setTextColor(myMAGENTA); + display.fillRect(xPos + 29, yPos - 8, 27, 15, myBLACK); + display.print(szTime); + display.setFont(); +} + +/* void ZeigeCO(int xPos = 1, int yPos = 19) +{ + if (xPos < 1) xPos = 1; + if (yPos < 19) yPos = 19; + if (Co2 > 300.00){ + char szCO[10]; + sprintf(szCO, "%4d", Co2); + //Serial.print("CO = "); Serial.println(szCO); + display.setCursor(xPos, yPos); + display.setFont(); + switch (Co2){ + case 0 ... CO2_WARN_3 -1: { + display.setTextColor(myCo); // green + break; + } + case CO2_WARN_3 ... CO2_WARN_4 -1: { + display.setTextColor(myYELLOW); + break; + } + case CO2_WARN_4 ... CO2_CRITICAL_PPM: { + display.setTextColor(myRED); + break; + } + default: { + display.setTextColor(myBLUE); + break; + } + + } + //display.setTextColor(myGREEN); + display.fillRect(xPos, yPos-2, 64-xPos, 8+2, (myBLACK)); + display.print("CO :"); + display.print(szCO); + // Hochzeichen zeichen CO² + display.setFont(&Picopixel); + display.setCursor(xPos+12, yPos+2); + display.print("2"); + display.setCursor(xPos+48, yPos+6); + display.print("ppm"); + display.setFont(); + } +} */ + +void ZeigeDatum(tm localTime, int xPos = 2, int yPos = 1) +{ + //if (xPos < 2) xPos = 2; + if (yPos < 0) yPos = 0; + char szDATUM[20]; + /* sprintf(szDATUM, "%s%2d.%02d.%02d", DAY_SHORT[(localTime.tm_wday > 0 ? localTime.tm_wday : 7 )], + localTime.tm_mday, + localTime.tm_mon + 1, + (localTime.tm_year+1900)-2000); */ + display.setCursor(xPos, yPos); + display.fillRect(xPos, yPos-2, 64-xPos, 8+2, (myBLACK)); + sprintf(szDATUM, "%s", DAY_SHORT[(localTime.tm_wday > 0 ? localTime.tm_wday : 7 )]); + // display.setFont(&Picopixel); + display.setTextColor(myDATUM); + display.print(szDATUM); // Tag + display.setCursor(xPos+15, yPos); + sprintf(szDATUM, "%2d.%02d.%02d", + localTime.tm_mday, + localTime.tm_mon + 1, + (localTime.tm_year+1900)-2000); + display.print(szDATUM); // Zeit + display.setFont(); + +} + +void ZeigeWetter(double Wetter1, int yPos = 2, int xPos = 1) +{ + if (xPos < 2) xPos = 2; + if (yPos < 0) yPos = 0; + if (Wetter1 > -99.9){ + char szWetter[10]; + //Serial.print("Aussentemperatur: "); Serial.println(Wetter1,3); + dtostrf(Wetter1, 4, 1, szWetter); + display.setCursor(xPos, yPos); + display.fillRect(xPos, yPos-2, 64-xPos, 8+2, (myBLACK)); + display.setTextColor(myTEMP); + display.print(szWetter); + // Erzeuge Grad Zeichen ...... + display.setCursor(xPos+24, yPos-5); + display.setFont(&Picopixel); + display.print("o"); + display.setCursor(xPos+28, yPos+6); + display.setFont(); + // ........... + display.print("C"); + } +} +void Test() +{ + display.setCursor(1, 40); + display.print("Hallo"); + display.setFont(&Picopixel); + display.print("0o"); + display.setFont(); +} + +void setup() { + startTime = millis(); + Serial.begin(115200); + WiFi.mode( WIFI_OFF ); + delay( 10 ); + Serial.println("Start"); + // initialise_wifi(); + setup_wifi(); + + // Define your display layout here, e.g. 1/8 step, and optional SPI pins begin(row_pattern, CLK, MOSI, MISO, SS) + display.begin(SCAN); // Rows-scan pattern 1/32 + //display.begin(8, 14, 13, 12, 4); + + // Define multiplex implemention here {BINARY, STRAIGHT} (default is BINARY) + display.setMuxPattern(BINARY); + + // Set the multiplex pattern {LINE, ZIGZAG,ZZAGG, ZAGGIZ, WZAGZIG, VZAG, ZAGZIG} (default is LINE) + display.setScanPattern(LINE); + + + // Rotate display + //display.setRotate(true); + + // Flip display + //display.setFlip(true); + + // Control the minimum color values that result in an active pixel + //display.setColorOffset(5, 5,5); + + // Set the multiplex implemention {BINARY, STRAIGHT} (default is BINARY) + display.setMuxPattern(BINARY); + + // Set the color order {RRGGBB, RRBBGG, GGRRBB, GGBBRR, BBRRGG, BBGGRR} (default is RRGGBB) + display.setColorOrder(RRGGBB); + + // Set the time in microseconds that we pause after selecting each mux channel + // (May help if some rows are missing / the mux chip is too slow) + //display.setMuxDelay(0,1,0,0,0); + + // Set the number of panels that make up the display area width (default is 1) + //display.setPanelsWidth(2); + + // Set the brightness of the panels (default is 255) + display.setBrightness(Helligkeit); + display_update_enable(true); + + display.clearDisplay(); + display.setTextColor(myRED); + display.setCursor(0,0); + display.print("Pixel"); + display.setTextColor(myGREEN); + display.setCursor(30,0); + display.print("Time"); + //---------------------- + display.setTextColor(myBLUE); + display.setCursor(2,50); + display.print("Pixel"); + display.setTextColor(myYELLOW); + display.setCursor(30,50); + display.print("Time"); +//-------------------------------------------------- +//-------------------------------------------------- + + delay(5000); + print_wifi_status(); + configTime(0, 0, NTP_SERVER); + // See for Timezone codes for your region + setenv("TZ", TZ_INFO, 1); + + if (getNTPtime(10)) { // wait up to 10sec to sync + } else { + Serial.println("Time not set"); + delay(5000); + ESP.restart(); + } + lastNTPtime = time(&now); + lastEntryTime = millis(); + + +} +union single_double{ + uint8_t two[2]; + uint16_t one; +} this_single_double; + +unsigned long last_draw=0; +void scroll_text(uint8_t ypos, unsigned long scroll_delay, String text, uint8_t colorR, uint8_t colorG, uint8_t colorB, boolean blink) +{ + uint16_t text_length = text.length(); + display.setTextWrap(false); // we don't wrap text so it scrolls nicely + display.setTextSize(1); + display.setRotation(0); + display.setTextColor(display.color565(colorR,colorG,colorB)); + + // Asuming 5 pixel average character width + for (int xpos=matrix_width; xpos>-(matrix_width+text_length*5); xpos--) + { + if (millis() - lastTime >= 1000) + { + lastTime = millis(); + blinkSek = !blinkSek; + } + if (blink){ + if (blinkSek) { + display.fillRect(TimeX + 30, TimeY - 3, 2, 2, myMAGENTA); + display.fillRect(TimeX + 30, TimeY + 1, 2, 2, myMAGENTA); + }else{ + display.fillRect(TimeX + 30, TimeY - 8, 2, 15, myBLACK); + } + } + + display.setTextColor(display.color565(colorR,colorG,colorB)); + //display.clearDisplay(); + display.fillRect(xpos, ypos, 64-xpos, 8, (myBLACK)); + display.setCursor(xpos,ypos); + display.println(text); + delay(scroll_delay); + yield(); + + // This might smooth the transition a bit if we go slow + // Dies könnte den Übergang etwas glätten, wenn wir langsam vorgehen + /* display.setTextColor(display.color565(colorR/4,colorG/4,colorB/4)); + display.setCursor(xpos-1,ypos); + display.println(text); + + delay(scroll_delay/5); + yield(); */ + + } +} + +void scroll_text2(uint8_t ypos, unsigned long scroll_delay, String text, uint8_t colorR, uint8_t colorG, uint8_t colorB, boolean blink) +{ + uint16_t text_length = text.length(); + display.setTextWrap(false); // we don't wrap text so it scrolls nicely + display.setTextSize(2); + display.setRotation(0); + display.setTextColor(display.color565(colorR,colorG,colorB)); + + // Asuming 5 pixel average character width + for (int xpos=matrix_width; xpos>-(matrix_width+text_length*10); xpos--) + { + if (millis() - lastTime >= 1000) + { + lastTime = millis(); + blinkSek = !blinkSek; + } + if (blinkSek && blink) { + display.fillRect(4 + 27, 20 - 3, 2, 2, myMAGENTA); + display.fillRect(4 + 27, 20 + 1, 2, 2, myMAGENTA); + }else{ + display.fillRect(4 + 27, 20 - 3, 2, 2, myBLACK); + display.fillRect(4 + 27, 20 + 1, 2, 2, myBLACK); + } + display.setTextColor(display.color565(colorR,colorG,colorB)); + //display.clearDisplay(); + display.fillRect(xpos, ypos, 64-xpos, 16, (myBLACK)); + display.setCursor(xpos,ypos); + display.println(text); + delay(scroll_delay); + yield(); + } + display.setTextSize(1); +} + +void scroll_Grad(uint8_t ypos, unsigned long scroll_delay, String text, uint8_t colorR, uint8_t colorG, uint8_t colorB, boolean blink) +{ + uint16_t text_length = text.length() +2; + display.setTextWrap(false); // we don't wrap text so it scrolls nicely + display.setTextSize(1); + display.setRotation(0); + display.setTextColor(display.color565(colorR,colorG,colorB)); + + // Asuming 5 pixel average character width + for (int xpos=matrix_width; xpos>-(matrix_width+text_length*5); xpos--) + { + if (millis() - lastTime >= 1000) + { + lastTime = millis(); + blinkSek = !blinkSek; + } + if (blink){ + if (blinkSek) { + display.fillRect(TimeX + 30, TimeY - 3, 2, 2, myMAGENTA); + display.fillRect(TimeX + 30, TimeY + 1, 2, 2, myMAGENTA); + }else{ + display.fillRect(TimeX + 30, TimeY - 8, 2, 15, myBLACK); + } + } + + display.setTextColor(display.color565(colorR,colorG,colorB)); + display.fillRect(xpos, ypos-1, 64-xpos, 9, (myBLACK)); + display.setCursor(xpos,ypos); + display.print(text); + display.setCursor(xpos+132, ypos-5); + display.setFont(&Picopixel); + display.print("o"); + display.setCursor(xpos+136, ypos+6); + display.setFont(); + // ........... + display.println("C"); + delay(scroll_delay); + yield(); + + } +} +uint8_t icon_index=0; + +static void setup_wifi() { + + long ErrCount = 0; + + delay(10); + // We start by connecting to a WiFi network + Serial.println(); + Serial.print("Connecting to "); + Serial.print(ssid); + Serial.print(" "); + + // WiFi.forceSleepWake(); + delay( 1 ); + WiFi.persistent( false ); + WiFi.setHostname(hostname.c_str()); //define hostname + WiFi.mode( WIFI_STA ); + WiFi.config( ip, gateway, subnet, dns, dns ); + //WiFi.begin( WLAN_SSID, WLAN_PASSWD ); + + WiFi.begin(ssid, pass); + + while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { + delay(500); + Serial.print("."); + ErrCount ++; + if (ErrCount >= MaxErrCount){ + // --------------------------------- + // Status ändern !!! -1 + //datenSave(-1); + // --------------------------------- + endTime = millis(); + unsigned long Pause = stoerung -((endTime - startTime) * 1000); // Pause + ESP.deepSleep(Pause); // Pause + delay(100); + } + } + Serial.println(" WiFi connected"); + client.setServer(mqtt_server, mqtt_port); + client.setCallback(callback); + Serial.print("IP address: \t"); + Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); +} + + +void loop() { + + if (!client.connected()) { + reconnect(); + } + getNTPtime(10); + if (millis() - lastTime >= 1000) + { + lastTime = millis(); + blinkSek = !blinkSek; + ZeigeDatum(timeinfo, 1, 1); + ZeigeZeit(timeinfo, TimeX, TimeY); + //ZeigeZeit(timeinfo, 1,40); + //ZeigeCO(1,CoY); + /* if ((timeinfo.tm_min % 10) == 0){ + /* if (Covid19 != 0){ + scroll_text(matrix_height-8,20,"Landkreis Heilbronn", 30,30,30, true); + if (Covid19 <= 500){ + // ------------------------------------ \204 für ä + scroll_text(matrix_height-8,25,"Covid 19 F\204lle in den letzte 7 Tage pro 100000 EW: " + String(Covid19, 1), 40,40,40, true); + } else if (Covid19 <= 1000){ + // ------------------------------------ \204 für ä + scroll_text(matrix_height-8,25,"Covid 19 F\204lle in den letzte 7 Tage pro 100000 EW: " + String(Covid19, 1), 64,64,0, true); + } else { + // ------------------------------------ \204 für ä + scroll_text(matrix_height-8,25,"Covid 19 F\204lle in den letzte 7 Tage pro 100000 EW: " + String(Covid19, 1), 64,0,0, true); + } + + } + } else { + if (Aussentemp > -99.9){ + scroll_text(matrix_height-8,30,"Luftdruck: " + String(Pressure) + " hPa", 255,255,255, true); + char szWetter[10]; + dtostrf(Aussentemp, 4, 1, szWetter); + //Serial.print(Aussentemp); Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(szWetter); + scroll_Grad(matrix_height-8,30,"Aussentemperatur: " + String(szWetter), 64,64,64, true); + dtostrf(Luftfeuchtigkeit, 4, 1, szWetter); + scroll_text(matrix_height-8,30,"Luftfeuchtigkeit: " + String(szWetter) + " %", 48,48,48, true); + } + } */ + //scroll_text(matrix_height-16,20,"Temperatur: " + String(Wetter,1) +" °C", 128,30,30, true); + /* scroll_text2(matrix_height-24,20,"Liebe Frunde, liebe Nachbarn,", 128,128,0, true); + scroll_text2(matrix_height-24,20,"ich w\201nsche Euch allen ein", 128,128,0, true); + scroll_text2(matrix_height-24,20,"Frohes neues Jahr 2022.", 128,255,0, true); */ + + ZeigeWetter(double(FlurTemp), WetterY,WetterX); + if (Aussentemp > -99.9){ + scroll_text(matrix_height-8,30,"Luftdruck: " + String(Pressure) + " hPa", 255,255,255, true); + char szWetter[10]; + dtostrf(Aussentemp, 4, 1, szWetter); + //Serial.print(Aussentemp); Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(szWetter); + scroll_Grad(matrix_height-8,30,"Aussentemperatur: " + String(szWetter), 64,64,64, true); + dtostrf(Luftfeuchtigkeit, 4, 1, szWetter); + scroll_text(matrix_height-8,30,"Luftfeuchtigkeit: " + String(szWetter) + " %", 64,64,64, true); + } + if ((Akku <= GRENZWERT) && (Akku > 0)){ + scroll_text(matrix_height-8,40,"Akku: " + String(Akku) + " Volt", 255, 0, 0, true); + scroll_text(matrix_height-8,40,"Akku aufladen!", 255, 0, 0, true); + } + } + client.loop(); +} + +bool getNTPtime(int sec) { + + { + uint32_t start = millis(); + do { + time(&now); + localtime_r(&now, &timeinfo); + //Serial.print("."); + delay(10); + } while (((millis() - start) <= (1000 * sec)) && (timeinfo.tm_year < (2016 - 1900))); + if (timeinfo.tm_year <= (2016 - 1900)) return false; // the NTP call was not successful + //Serial.print("now "); Serial.println(now); + /* char time_output[30]; + strftime(time_output, 30, "%a %d-%m-%y %T", localtime(&now)); + Serial.println(time_output); + Serial.println(); */ + } + return true; +} + +void showTime(tm localTime) { + Serial.printf( + "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d, day %d, %s time\n", + localTime.tm_year + 1900, + localTime.tm_mon + 1, + localTime.tm_mday, + localTime.tm_hour, + localTime.tm_min, + localTime.tm_sec, + (localTime.tm_wday > 0 ? localTime.tm_wday : 7 ), + (localTime.tm_isdst == 1 ? "summer" : "standard") + ); + } diff --git a/test/README b/test/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e7d1588 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/README @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ + +This directory is intended for PlatformIO Unit Testing and project tests. + +Unit Testing is a software testing method by which individual units of +source code, sets of one or more MCU program modules together with associated +control data, usage procedures, and operating procedures, are tested to +determine whether they are fit for use. Unit testing finds problems early +in the development cycle. + +More information about PlatformIO Unit Testing: +-